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Lazio Cheers Song

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Beberapa waktu lalu saya mengunjungi situs fan site dari salah satu pemain Lazio. Dan menemukan sebuah syair untuk men-support lazio berikut adalah syairnya. Enjoy!


Hey, hey, you get out of our way
'Cause today is the day, we will put you away!

Come on, all you LAZIO fans.
Let me hear you clap your hands.
Now that you got the beat,
let me hear you stomp your feet.
Now that you got the groove,
let me hear your body move.

For the rivals: Motions, motions, hear them roar. No one's knocking at your door.
With no rhythm and with no sass, all of you can kiss our ass!

LAZIO are number 1
LAZIO are going to have some fun
LAZIO let me hear you scream
LAZIO just can't be beat!
Forza Lazio!


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